Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Super Reader

March 27, 2011

Rickie is our bookworm. On most days he would rather read than watch t.v., play video games or go outside. When he gets into a book it's hard to pull him away from it.

Each spring the school has a reading competition on who can read the most minutes.

This year Rickie was the winner. From January to the end of March he read about 9,800 minutes. He read almost as much as the entire 5th grade combined!

We are so proud of him.

Rickie is also our daredevil child. Ches calls him our "gray-haired child". We have a huge linden tree in our front yard that Rickie likes to climb. It is over 30 feet tall. Rickie has been getting more and more confident in his climbing abilities and has now ventured all the way to the top. Kimmie ran in the house the other day telling me I had to take a picture of Rickie in the tree. I was not expecting him to be all the way at the top. I swallowed my fear and told him good job and took a few pictures. I couldn't watch him climb back down so I went back in the house. I have a feeling this will be a common occurrence now (especially with the weather warming up). I think I gained a new gray hair on this day.