Friday, July 23, 2010

Flash Back Friday
Since I am behind on family record keeping and like the idea of a book compiled from my blog, I have decided to dedicate a post each week to the past. For now the posts can only go back to 2008 when we got our first digital camera. Once I get my scanner set up I will jump around over the past 15 yrs.
I also need to figure out how to add more than 5 pictures per post. I'm sure I'm missing some easy/obvious step. =)
Crater's Of The Moon July 2008
My parents came up from Salt Lake to camp with us at Craters of the Moon Monument. This is such a fun place to visit. The park is a massive lava flow, with caves and trails to explore. There is a real nice visitors center where you learn about the area. Rickie's favorite was the pioneers called the area "the Devil's vomit". It is really hot with all the black volcanic rock, but we had a great time.
This is a picture of some of the lava flow.

This is a collapsed air pocket that we hiked down into.

To exit the cavern, there is an option to hike up the step side and down around the back. Ches took the boys out this way. Kimmie, my parents, and I took the stairs out.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment after their hike out.

We also went into Scout Cave as a family. It is pitch black down there. Kimmie was really scared and wanted her Daddy to take her out. You can tell that posing for a picture was not what she wanted to do.

It was a real fun weekend. The kids still ask when we are going back. Now that they are older and can go on longer hikes, we'll have to go back and see what we missed.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Construction 101

After four years we finally started construction on the basement. Before we could start building the bedrooms we needed to install larger egress windows. The original windows were 12"x30". Not very safe and it made for a very dark basement.

We hired a local company to cut the concrete and install the new windows, but we had some demolition to do first. The walls were "creatively finished", and we had to get the make shift wall coverings, insulation, and studs off the wall. The boys LOVED this.

So did Ches...demolition is a great stress reliever!

The finished result...three 4'x4' windows. Lots of light and an easy escape.

Now it's time to frame and sheet rock. The goal is to have the rooms done this Fall. I sure hope it happens, I'm starting to feel a bit crowded.

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's A Bloggin World

I have decided to join the blogging world. I am hoping to blog often so I can document our life and have something to help me remember it when I'm old and senile. Please excuse the randomness of the blog...I'm still trying to figure somethings out :)
The name of the blog comes from my oldest. When he was just a little guy he said the funniest things. Whenever Ches or I did something that he didn't like he would say "I not happy about you!" Sometimes, it was "I happy about you" when we he did something good. It stuck. We have been using this in our family ever since. I hope you enjoy the blog and the journey of our life.