Friday, July 16, 2010

It's A Bloggin World

I have decided to join the blogging world. I am hoping to blog often so I can document our life and have something to help me remember it when I'm old and senile. Please excuse the randomness of the blog...I'm still trying to figure somethings out :)
The name of the blog comes from my oldest. When he was just a little guy he said the funniest things. Whenever Ches or I did something that he didn't like he would say "I not happy about you!" Sometimes, it was "I happy about you" when we he did something good. It stuck. We have been using this in our family ever since. I hope you enjoy the blog and the journey of our life.


The Ridings said...

WooHoo welcome! At the end of each year I use Blurb to make my blog into a book. Family History Rocks!!!

Sass said...

YAY! Your blog is SO CUTE!
The blogger world is great, until Mycah starts to pressure you to update! HA HA HA HA J/K

I do not remember anything about Happy about you, or not happy about you?!! That makes me sad!! But its a cute name!

This Place is a Disaster! said...


The Frasers said...


Becky said...

HOORAY!! And How cute is all this!! You need to come down and give my blog a major face lift!! and perhaps me a major kick in the rear to update my blog!
Mycah doesn't pressure me -- anymore! She must have given up! Love ya!

The Frasers said...

bahahahahahaha! Oh Becky, I was about to do it...but I guess you're busy and all. I mean, what? Do you REALLY have six kids? Crazy woman! hehe